What are the benefits of duct sealing?

Benefits of sealing ducts: energy savings and lower utility bills, better comfort control, better indoor air quality, greater HVAC efficiency, protection of the HVAC system. Fumes from household and garden chemicals, insulating particles, and dust can enter the duct system and aggravate asthma and allergy problems.

What are the benefits of duct sealing?

Benefits of sealing ducts: energy savings and lower utility bills, better comfort control, better indoor air quality, greater HVAC efficiency, protection of the HVAC system. Fumes from household and garden chemicals, insulating particles, and dust can enter the duct system and aggravate asthma and allergy problems. Sealing ducts can help improve indoor air quality by reducing the risk of contaminants entering ducts and circulating around the house. Sealed ducts allow for a more uniform temperature from room to room. Leaks can cause a room to be too hot or too cold, depending on the season.

If your ducts are in poor shape, it can be nearly impossible to feel comfortable, whether you're working in the kitchen, watching TV, or trying to sleep. Because sealed ducts burn less fuel and consume less energy, they are more environmentally friendly than leaking ducts.

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