What is the average cost for aeroseal duct sealing?

Duct sealing is one of the best ways to solve comfort problems and increase energy efficiency in your home. Duct sealing, such as Aeroseal, is used to locate hard-to-find and reach gaps in the duct system and fill those voids with polymer particles.

What is the average cost for aeroseal duct sealing?

Duct sealing is one of the best ways to solve comfort problems and increase energy efficiency in your home. Duct sealing, such as Aeroseal, is used to locate hard-to-find and reach gaps in the duct system and fill those voids with polymer particles. Sealing ducts isn't economical, but neglecting ducts will end up costing you more in the future. The more time a technician spends in your home checking ducts and the more sealant your home needs, the more you can expect to pay for sealing ducts.

The price of sealing air ducts is nothing compared to what you would spend allowing air ducts to remain open.

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